Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Future talk - What ADCs need to replace IDP?

Few weeks back there was a question in load balancing mailing list.
"What is the difference between ADC and Load balancer?" I would say
the ADCs are next generation Load Balancers. ADCs are capable of
doing more jobs than just Server Load Balancing. The present generation
of ADCs are implementing
a) Application compression and optimization
b) Application validation by protocol anomaly detection
c) Improving network utilization by TCP connection pooling
d) XML parsing and validation

Some implementations went beyond and started application data
modification based on user inputs. In summary, the ADC products
are doing sort of doing application protection like Intrusion
Detection and Prevention devices

With all these features, ADCs became multi functional.
And, the market and experts too feels that its end of load balancing
and emerging ADC market.

First generation of load balancers were not using TCP stack.
They were not vulnerable to TCP/IP exploits and fortunately,
that way they gained huge performance with no stack and in some
cases Operating system overheads. The current generation load balancers
called ADC are running application proxies. The ADCs required
a network stack and as well as application intelligence to does the
application processing, compression, validation etc., All these
features now opened up many vulnerabilities. All the cross site
scripting (XSS), TCP vulnerabilties etc., now started appearing in
ADC products.
Check out the BigIP and Netscaler vulnerabilities. ADCs should
be written following secure coding standards and not leave any scope
for buffer overflow and other stack exploits and evolve further.

ADC does have protocol anomaly detection. But, its not as classic
as IDP devices. ADC do have the potential to replace the IDP provided
they implement the following to evolve into next league
a) Statistical anomaly detection
b) Protocol anomaly detection algos
c) Signature based detection
d) Automatic Live updates for the signatures and software updates
e) Useful reporting to detect zero day attacks

Most of the ADCs in the market do have protocol anomaly. That is not
sufficient but should also have live signature updates to stop newly
found application exploits before the admins patch up the server
applications. Currently, admins still depend up on the IDP to prevent
from exploits even with ADCs having application firewalls and protocol
anomaly detection. There is not much time we would see ADCs competing
with IDP devices..

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