Sunday, March 21, 2010

Reduce costs: WAN optimization in your hands

WAN optimization market is expected to get a revenue of 1.2billion is 2010 as per this site
Indeed its a growing market and many vendors are venturing into this market.

The basis for any WAN optimization technique is to reduce usage of WAN bandwidth. They help in data de-duplication, compression etc.,

But,the commerical solutions are very expensive. There are open source projects for WAN optimization. Check these links if you want to deploy at a low cost.

The basis for WANProxy is rsync utility.Almost every linux user knows about rsync utility. As a first step towards WAN optimization users can rely on this.
Setup a rsync server at each site of your company and sync the files when needed or on a daily basis. It would save lot of money if your requirement is not so critically prominent. Here is a good tutorial to setup rsync. File transfers can be encrypted and that adds to the security of your file transfer.

One good use case in a mutli branch environment- clearcase servers cannot be hosted at all branches due to cost constraint. Users login onto remote servers and use clearcase remotely. Users tend to download the files and binaries that are built on the remote site by FTP/SCP. In some cases, they may be in several megabytes and transfer over WAN links is very slow. In such scenarios, I would recommend to setup a rsync daemon on remote server. rysnc on client machine can fetch you only the differences in file content saving lot of time and cost.

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